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Open Space

Open Space в этом году будет реализован как площадка, на которой пройдут презентации и дискуссии в свободном формате. Для докладчиков это отличная возможность представить свои идеи и обсудить их именно со своей аудиторией.

Выступающим будут предоставлены необходимые технические средства: ноутбук, экран, доска.
Расписание и информация о выступлениях и спикерах будет опубликована на сайте и включена в материалы конференции.

Доклады Open Space

Гибкие методологии (Agile)

Artem VorobyevArtem Vorobyev

Artem Vorobyev
Usage of Continuous Delivery approach for effective software development

In recent years, various Agile project management approaches have become more and more popular and valuable. In the rapidly changing competitive environment in many cases, only these approaches can let successfully bring to market a new fast growing products…

Vitaly DomrachevVitaly Domrachev

Vitaly Domrachev
Agile Process Wizard or how to construct own Agile methodology for concrete project

Managers often face the problem what methodology to choose for project management needs. Agile methodologies’ popularity is growing very fast and acquired a reputation as effective for most types of projects…

Mikhail GedzbergMikhail Gedzberg

Mikhail Gedzberg
Agile implementation in investment banking projects

Investment banking is very specific world where:

Мобильные приложения

Станислав БратановElena Sycheva
Dmitriy LozenkoDmitriy Lozenko

Dmitriy Lozenko
Mobile Banking: the Future of Banking Services Made Reality

Mobile banking is a new step in the development of banking services provided by banks to their clients. What possibilities does it provide for the bank and for the client?

Aleksey OstroushkoAleksey Ostroushko

Aleksey Ostroushko
Development, Usage and Efficiency of mobile applications

Mobile applications, what do we mean by the term “Mobile applications”: a program on a mobile phone? On a tablet computer? The ability to use a program, not being tied to a workplace?…

Обеспечение качества ПО

Alexander StasenkoAlexander Stasenko

Alexander Stasenko, Alexey Salmin
Testing of changes in software system based on source code coverage

Systematic testing of a software system builds underlies modern software development methodologies. Continuous Integration (CI), a widespread approach, is based on testing of each change made to the source code in addition to the traditional testing of nightly builds…

Приложения для банков и финансовой индустрии

Igor SuzdaltsevIgor Suzdaltsev

Igor Suzdaltsev
GUI-Robot as a New Trading Technology

In order to describe a new financial markets trading technology, it’s important to reach an agreement on major definitions. Today they look like this…

Vasiliy KuzminVasiliy Kuzmin

Vasiliy Kuzmin, Artem Sokolov, Mikhail Kuzmin
The IVR solutions organizations based on PBX Asterisk and VoiceXML

The report shows the main methods of customer service quality increasing by improving corporate telephony infrastructure. The proposed approach allows to optimize customer service using maintenance based on free PBX Asterisk and VoiceXML markup language…

Alexander AristovAlexander Aristov

Alexander Aristov
Problems of Software Integration in the Banking Sector: Outside Perspective

To onlookers the bank appears to be an ant colony that lives by its own internal, not always transparent laws. I’d like to bring up a problem of software that ensures the vital activity of the banks…

Технологии и средства программирования

Vladimir BulovVladimir Bulov

Vladimir Bulov, Alexander Chehov
Improved information management software to create user accounts

The paper proposes an innovative method of user and EDS management. Compared to solutions the method in question is reliable…

Maksim GumerovMaksim Gumerov

Maksim Gumerov
Some inadvisable practices and unexpected problems in Delphi programming

Since its acquisition by Embarcadero Technologies, Delphi is being renovated constantly by introducing some new features in an attempt to reduce the gap to more modern languages like C#. This tendency could quite probably strengthen Delphi’s position as a development tool for startups…

Управление проектами и продуктами

Ivan KireevIvan Kireev

Ivan Kireev
Semantic technologies for IT projects management

How can IT and service provider companies increase the possibility of success of large-scale IT projects? Using variety of approaches and solutions, this question is trying to be resolved in the last 10 years by software developer’s community…

Vladimir ZheleznyakVladimir Zheleznyak

Vladimir Zheleznyak, Dmitriy Snisar
Grumblers on the project – positive and negative sides. How to work effectively with such people taking in mind team spirit?

It happens to meet colleague who makes up the dual feelings: on the one hand – he is a good specialist, and the other – a whiner and a pessimist. He is dissatisfied with everything: the project is bad, the customer is foolish, and the architecture is horrible…

Andrey EvdakovAndrey Evdakov

Andrey Evdakov
Development teams staffing and managing problems

This paper tries to discuss an experience of staffing and managing development teams.The basic topic is team members psychology and communication with manager…

Alexander MarmuzevichAlexander Marmuzevich

Alexander Marmuzevich
Taming the legacy systems

A little bit about our experience organizing maintenance and support of legacy source code systems operated by the customer…

Usability и UX

Dmitry VavilovDmitry Vavilov

Dmitry Vavilov, Kirill Kostushkin, Ivan Platonov
An application for Open TV Platforms

The authors describe an application for Digital TV open platforms (like Android or MHP-OCAP). The application gives the instantaneous tip to watch one of available channels…

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