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Grumblers on the project – positive and negative sides. How to work effectively with such people taking in mind team spirit?

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It happens to meet colleague who makes up the dual feelings: on the one hand – he is a good specialist, and the other – a whiner and a pessimist. He is dissatisfied with everything: the project is bad, the customer is foolish, and the architecture is horrible.

To work with such a person – it’s like work in a room with a seven-foot ceiling. You do not touch the ceiling by your head, but it presses your mentally. Worse, this pressure is transmitted to teammates.

On the other hand, the Growler has an important task – to say what couldn’t be told by the rest of the team and plays criticism role and safety valve role.

How to find a balance between the negative and positive sides of critical thinking? How to make the Growly constructive?

The purpose of the presentation:

  • Learn how to identify these people in advance
  • Determine how pessimistic behavior is harmful, and what – benefit
  • To learn how to decrease negative sides effects
  • Develop strategies for effective usage such people

Vladimir Zheleznyak

Vladimir ZheleznyakVladimir Zheleznyak

Vlad Zheleznyak – has been in commercial IT since 1999. He worked for product and offshore outsourcing software companies. He worked as a software developer, a team lead and a project manager.

Now in partnership with Dmitriy Snisar they are working on “ Psychology for IT People”

The project goals are:

  • Help IT-business to solve people-related issues;
  • Provide practical psychological knowledge for IT-professionals.

Dmitriy Snisar


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