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Developing distributed fault-tolerant systems using Erlang platform

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Information technology becomes ever more integral to the functioning of enterprises and other organizations; consequently, the reliability and performance requirements for information systems keep rising. Realizing that failures and downtime cost more and more and that the ordinary scaling methods do not work with large volumes of data anymore prompts the search for alternative means of achieving load balancing and fault tolerance. This report will focus on the tools offered by the Ericsson Erlang platform, suitable for building distributed and fault-tolerant systems with minimal effort.

Andrey Smirnov

Andrey SmirnovAndrey Smirnov

Graduated from Voronezh State University specializing in Mathematical Provisioning and Administration of Information Systems. Following graduation, participated as a software developer in various projects, including embedded systems, automated control systems, and Web development. Presently employed by Reksoft as one of the key developers in a cloud-based distributed information security project using Erlang. Participates in open-source software development as a hobby.


Nikolay Sokornov



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