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Agile+UX: Proper user interface and agile methodology

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For many developers, interface and UX-designers agile-approach seems unusual. They prefer to think of the whole concept of the project at once, including the various parts of fallback interface and user interaction. It’s like a classic waterfall. Moreover, the level of “concepts” to “visual design” often requires a quantum leap when the interface designer focuse on business and determine their own product appearance.

It creates a number of problems, typical for the “waterfall” development, for example:

  • Part of rendered interfaces can be unrealizable in practice. That causes the conflicts between teams and UX-experts.
  • The interfaces can not be detailed enough. That leads to failure or iterations of timing (because of the need to develop the missing interface urgently), or to faulty parts in the interfaces (“programmer” design).
  • Premature concentration on pixels and fonts instead of studying business requirements and usability concepts of the project.

In the proposed report we will analyze a practical case of making web-interface of the application, work on which was based on the ideas of leading foreign specialists in the development of interfaces.

Vladimir Zavertaylov

Vladimir ZavertaylovVladimir Zavertaylov

Expert in the field of web-services. Author of numerous publications on such topics as web-development and effective interaction of customers and contractors. As the speaker I participated in professional conferences (RIF + KIB, Russian Internet Week, Tagline, Website-2011, Formula Site, 1C Bitrix, etc.).

Since the 2003 – Director of Sibirix Internet solutions the largest in Siberia studio. Specializes in developing applications for social networks. Russia’s first studio, has implemented Agile (Scrum) in the full cycle development of Internet projects. The 1st place in the ranking of web studios in the Siberian Federal District (Rating Runet 2010, 2011), 37 – in the all-Russian rating Tagline (2012). The Studio has representatives in Moscow, London, Munich and Boston.

Among the clients: Megaphone, Adobe Systems, Cisco, Rostelecom, Goon, Logitech. Its own development is – FreshShop – solution for the integration of online stores by 1C Bitrix, with social networks Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, MoiMir. Sibirix is a developer and distributor of Planning Poker – a tool to assess the complexity and resources for professional software development teams.


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