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7 reasons of neashore outsourcing fail

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The presentation will be focused on the overview of neashore project fails and definition of their reasons. In addition we would try to figure out how to build an effective management process for such kind of projects bearing on worldwide outsourcing best practices as well as cultural differences.

Sergey Berezhnoy

Sergey BerezhnoySergey Berezhnoy

Sergey Berezhnoy – project/program manager, coach, and consultant. Managing partner at Blogger, run his blog (in Russian) dedicated for a problem of Customer-to-Vendor relationships

Sergey has worked with TOP5 EE outsourcing providers that gave him tremendous experience on how things are done in this area. Due to work experience in outsourcing companies, Serhiy got business expertise in several domains.

Another area of interest for Sergey is coaching and trainings. Based on his model “Outsourcing as a service” (or Customer-oriented outsourcing service) he runs his own blog and coaches outsourcing teams in Eastern Europe. His training activities developed his ability to teach, explain and mentor others.


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