Agile methodologies

Tatyana Pichkhadze
Agile in fixed price projects
Agile project management wins popularity, both at business, and at developers more and more. The successful experience, the theory bribing by the simplicity, the eloquent manifesto and the values confirmed by life…

Vladimir Zavertaylov
Agile+UX: Proper user interface and agile methodology
For many developers, interface and UX-designers agile-approach seems unusual. They prefer to think of the whole concept of the project at once, including the various parts of fallback interface and user interaction…

Evgeny Pyshkin, Maxim Mozgovoy, Mikhail Glukhikh
On Requirements for Acceptance Testing Automation Tools in Behavior Driven Software Development
The idea of our presentation is to expose challenges of behavior driven development (BDD) automation for mapping use cases written in narrative manner to unit tests. The BDD creates a kind of a communication framework that allows the developers to rediscover the customer context better in the process of software design and testing…
Business and entrepreneurship

Sergey Berezhnoy
7 reasons of neashore outsourcing fail
The presentation will be focused on the overview of neashore project fails and definition of their reasons…

Mikhail Radchenko
How to prepare for sale and how to sell a software project
Translation is not available yet. The Russian version of this abstract.

Alexey Meandrov
Attracting investments to the software business
How not to lose but gain from an investment deal:
- Software development through investors’ eyes
- Opportunities for investment into software business
- Required conditions for investing successfully…

Boris Slavin
Cloud service for a group intellectual expertise
In the report author talks about creation of a program platform of an expert network. The expert network combines elements of a social networks, of corporate systems of document flow and of control systems of ideas…

Dmitri Dubograev
How to finance the company without selling your soul…
- Preparing for financing at early stages of company’s development
- Where do you form the company — offshore vs. “clean” jurisdictions
- Negotiating investment — where do you start?…

Dmitry Platonov
Optimizing the protection of inventions in software products
Presentation describes problems of the invention protection in the IT companies. Presentation is prepared in the form of practical experience and oriented mainly on product and project managers….
Cloud computing

Dmitry Lazarenko
Who Needs Private PaaS and Why?
Translation is not available yet. The Russian version of this abstract.

Boris Pankov
Telematics and development of solutions for “Smart things”
Telematics market is growing rapidly. Ericsson prognoses claim that in 8 years there will be 7 smart things per each person…

Juan Velasco
Telecoms new security challenges facing Cloud and Mobile expansion
The proliferation of new devices with 4G capabilities is creating a huge development in the use of new devices world wide. These millons of new devices required tons of broadband as well as new quick services development and delivery of powerful Cloud Services…

Nikolay Matsievsky
High availability and reliability for cloud services
Cloud services building ideology: reliability levels gradation
- Define the business requirements
- Form the technical requirements
- Independent safety factors…
Human capital and Education

Valery Ledovskoy
New principle in education and training of technical writers and IT-analysts
There is a constant controversy: who must develop documentation for the firm’s productions. Programmers are always busy, they do their own work, and most of them aren’t able to write any document in simple terms because such work is much different from their job and that has other standards…

Aleksander Panchenko
QA Manager + Tester = ? or how to raise a good manager
Nowadays, there are a lot of books, seminars, articles for self-management and increasing management capacity, particularly for managers in IT. Often the main theme of this learning is team management and project management…

Svetlana Saveljeva
HR branding: myth, speculation or tool? Recruiter point of view
Translation is not available yet. The Russian version of this abstract.

Elena Mandrikova
Psychological aspects in software engineering students’ education: the myth or the reality?
For proving the significance of psychology-related factors in software engineers’ professional activities there was conducted survey (N=145, Russian IT-persons). Based on this survey the set of crucial for competencies software engineers has been developed…

Evgeny Philippov, Valentin Onossovski
Academic program as a key element of staff development in IT companies
The key success factor of modern engineering centers is their staff. As a result, people management (hiring, satisfaction, loyalty, training and education) becomes more and more important…

Jan Sliwa
Demography of the software development industry — past and future
Software development industry is continuously changing. Apart from technological factors, also demography plays an important role — whether you are a software engineer or a human resources specialist. If you are a developer, you are bound by the 40 years’ duration of your career, determined by biology and economy…
Mobile applications

Grigory Izmailov, Alexander Morozov
Practical experience of development of cross-platform business applications for mobile devices
Cross-platform development – a leading trend in the development area of mobile applications caused by growth of popularity of different types of mobile devices and operating systems. What technologies should be chosen in the development of cross-platform mobile enterprise software?…

Kirill Krinkin, Evgeny Batalov, Alexander Kartashov
Container virtualization technology for Android
Virtualization is widely used for desktop and server systems and in several years it comes into mobile world. The paper suggests approach for container virtualization for Android operating system…
Programming technologies and tools

Semen Grigorev, Iakov Kirilenko
Dynamic SQL transformation automatization
In case of database migration from MS-SQL Server 2005 on Oraclе 11gR2 dynamic SQL queries translation problem has occured. Original system contains nearly 3000 dynamic queries in approximately 850 stored procedures…

Gregory Petrosyan
Back to the future of native programming
Programming industry continuously demands solving new problems by the languages intended to be widely used and relevant. We list some of the most notable past problems, which are (partly) solved today, and propose a list of three current challenges…

Ivan Gammel
Transforming autoforms to quality interface with DSL
Large software projects contain a lot of metadata in domain model related, for example, to ORM. This metadata could be reused in interface, however the difficulties in implementation of user interface generator based on metamodel formed an opinion that code generation is good enough only for prototyping…

Anna Vorobyeva
Legacy code through the eyes of a legacy developer
The project is filling with legacy code insensibly. Only five years ago it was nice clean code, but now there is nobody who could understand it completely or predict what would involve its changing. Just as thermodynamic entropy is always increasing in the universe, so too code entropy is on the rise…

Oleg Repin
Using remote hardware platforms for embedded systems development
Development of embedded and system software, which is operating on new hardware platforms, begins at the stage when there is a number of such hardware platforms known as prototypes which are fragile and expensive…

Leonid Purto
Transforming software into microchip: the routine, or creativity?
Translation is not available yet. The Russian version of this abstract.

Ksenia Mukhortova
CQRS: The architecture that makes your business applications better
What would your dream business application look like? Focused on capturing business intent? Well structured, easily maintained, robust, reliable, predictable and scalable? If these are the associations that appear in your mind when you hear the word ‘better’ in terms of business application, then this talk is for you. For many years developers have been thinking about the ways how to make their applications better. Mastering object-oriented paradigm, architecture patterns, test-driven development (TDD), domain-driven design (DDD) were the steps on this steep way. CQRS (command query responsibility segregation) is the next step …

Vitaly Trifanov, Dmitry Tsitelov
Dynamic data race detection in concurrent Java programs
Data races are among the most frequent errors in concurrent programs. Data race happens when several threads access the same shared memory location and at least one of the threads writes to it. Usually data races are very dangerous because they unpredictably change program flow and corrupt shared data structures…

Victor Strelkov
Comprehensive Approach to Optimizing Large Project Compilation
Any developer of a large project runs into increase of compilation time at least once a year. It is especially inconvenient if you use continuous integration, which presupposes frequent recompilation and other related activities. Long compilation becomes a bottleneck that narrows down all advantages of continuous integration…

Miloslav Sredkov
Jsonya/dm: A Univocal JSON Interpretation
Despite its popularity as a data interchange format, JSON still lacks a commonly accepted data model and is defined only syntactically. Because of its simplicity, it may appear that the textual representation already conveys all the needed meaning; however, in the context of global Internet-centric applications, where many different technologies interact, the lack of defined semantics can lead to serious interoperability issues…

Vladimir Rubanov, Andrey Ponomarenko
Problems and automation tools of the workplace of a Linux maintainer
The popularity of the Linux operating system is growing at an incredible rate in the modern world of high technology both on the enterprise side (servers, supercomputers, etc.) and the consumer side (mobile phones, desktops, etc.) in many ways due to the open architecture model and open source code of the basic system components. Reliability, quality, and, finally, the success of these systems are primarily due to the right choice of developers (maintainers) and necessary tools…

Andrey Smirnov, Nikolay Sokornov
Developing distributed fault-tolerant systems using Erlang platform
Information technology becomes ever more integral to the functioning of enterprises and other organizations; consequently, the reliability and performance requirements for information systems keep rising. Realizing that failures and downtime cost more and more and that the ordinary scaling methods do not work with large volumes of data anymore prompts the search for alternative means of achieving load balancing and fault tolerance…

Sergey Arkhipenkov
Thinking about programming: from Aristotle to Wittgenstein
The report presents abstracts on general issues of software engineering. Software development considered as a new kind of human activity, which is mistakenly attributed to engineering. Engineering based on applicable laws of mathematics, physics and chemistry to design new products…

Stanislav Bratanov
Power Battle: Windows 7 vs. Windows 8 (Running compute-intensive tasks)
In this talk, we introduce new features of our software profiling tool that allow for application-centric power efficiency analysis and thus enable us to compare the behavior of the same program under Microsoft® Windows™ 7 and Windows™ 8 operating systems…

Denis Silakov
RPM5: a novel format and tools to distribute Linux applications
A distinctive feature of many Linux distributions is an original approach to the task of software management, which implies formation of software packages and and usage of special systems to manage these packages—in particular, install, remove or update any of them. A common belief is that such systems are just archivers with minor additional features…

Yuriy Gik
Service-oriented architecture methodologies analysis
Service-oriented architecture is one of the most interesting architecture paradigms for recent time in the IT industry. In spite of 10 years long history and plenty of implemented for that time projects, theory of SOA has no unity…
Project and product management

Mikhail Ostrogorskij
Technical Writer Professional Standard
Everyone can refer to the Internet and easily find there two documents which the Russian government has approved: the directory of professions and the directory of job titles. Being based on the Soviet legacy, these directories don’t fit modern practice…

Mikhail Ostrogorskij
Masterpieces and standards of technical documentation
In everyday language, we use the word “masterpiece” to refer to something extraordinary well-done, carried out in an absolutely new manner that will affect other works of that kind or field. It may seem that there is no way for a masterpiece to appear in IT or any other technical fields…

Alexander Kalouguine
Holy war with the architect from the customer’s team
In custom software development, there can be a member in customer’s team (e.g. solution architect) who oversees the project from the software design viewpoint. Undoubtedly, presence of this role strongly affects the development process, but the impact can be either very positive or very negative…

Yelena Belyayeva, Alexander Babkin
Organizational metrics program: how to avoid measuring an average color of fruits
The submission describes a general approach to the establishment of organizational metrics program. We are going to speak about the following problems: how to gather and track metrics in heterogeneous environment…

Konstantin Bychenkov
Project in stress – take a deep breath
For what purposes have been spent efforts of your team last week? Which aims have been achieved? What was wrong? How often development plan was broken? How many resources you need now to fix the gap?…

Vladimir Ogloblin
Experience of replacement of COBIT in the course of IT department transformation
Article is devoted to the organization of design office of IT department. In article typical problems of work of IT of division of the enterprise are considered, the view of heads of business divisions of the IT ideal service is given…
Dmitriy Sorokin
Automating IT processes in the management of the development and maintenance of software products
The report describes practical issues development and dissemination of incidents and changes management processes, as well as access management, during implementation and consequent support & modernization of information systems…

Ilia Blaer
SCRUM vs. СКРАМ. How to manage Scrum-projects with Russian customers?
Translation is not available yet. The Russian version of this abstract.

Valery Birin
What Do Customers Want?… Or Peculiarities of the National “Implementations”
It’s no secret that the organization of any effective interaction with the customer is relevant to project management. One of the examples is a planned emergence of a new sphere of knowledge in the new edition of the standard PMBOK PMI – Stakeholders Management….

Yulian Larionov, Nikolay Sokornov
Possibilities and Limitations of Statistic Models in Project Management
Most of the projects in software development use reactive project management methods. This means that an occurred problem or goal deviations…

Cenkler Yakin
Evolution of Process & Product Metrics Based On Information Needs
Measurement & analysis is one of the key areas for successful organizations. Process & product metrics are the main units for an effective measurement & analysis process. This study describes about the evolution of STM’s process & product metrics based on information needs…
Software for Banking and Finance

Jürgen Hönigl
Building a Financial Case-Based Reasoning Prototype from Scratch with Respect to Credit Lending and Association Models Driven by Knowledge Discovery
Credit lending can be seen as a challenging task due to many available procedures such as the cash flow analysis and scoring methods…

Ivan Kaurov, Sergey Ustinov, Dmitry Drobintsev
Analytical module of commercial bank’s encashment management system
Modern automation systems for commercial banking can support not only business processes but also analytical data processing. The heterogeneity of systems in the parameter “developer” is now natural, and different data models are used to organize the information space…
Software quality assurance

Ekaterina Lobanova, Evgeny Akimov
The strategy of testing a software product
The company success under conditions of the competitive environment is determined by the ability to produce the competitive advantages. As a rule, the sources of the competitive advantages are the managerial skills and willing to innovations…

Luis Olsina, Elena Pesotskaya, Guillermo Covella, Alexander Dieser
Bridging the Gap between Security/Risk Assessment and Quality Evaluation Methods
An IT security vulnerability can be considered as an inherent weakness in a target system that could be exploited by a threat source. Most vulnerable capabilities/attributes of a system can be identified for instance with security controls in order to evaluate the level of their weaknesses…
Usability and UX

Sofia Chebanova
Usability testing of IDEs
How do users choose the software product? About 10 years ago developers struggled for programme efficiency and performance. Nowadays they try to develop a great variety of functions for software products…

Aleksey Drozhzhov
Lessons learnt creating MSAA compliant IP softphone
This presentation provides quick overview of US Rehabilitation Act Section 508 and Microsoft Active accessibility and how….

Nikita Efimov
Breaking the rules — “breaking” interaction patterns on mobile devices
You are starting to develop your own brand new mobile application (or redesigning an existing one). What’s the right way to do? Would it make sense to find design guidelines for target platforms, take screenshots of the most popular apps and create “another one” that would yet feel familiar for users?…

Georgy Saveliev
The six dimensional usability model
It is nearly impossible now to identify a true origin of the statement: “Nothing is more practical than a good theory” repeatedly cited at different times by prominent scientists of various nations. If we substitute in this phrase “theory” with “model”, it will probably make more sense for those of us who prefer another citation: “The difference between “theory” and “practice” is that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is…”

Sergey Kotyrev
Practical experience in using the eye-tracking technology for interface optimization and audience segmentation
What is usability of user interfaces? When we say that interface is usable or not usable, what do we mean by that? How strong we are used to it? How long did it take to master it? What length of time and number of actions do we need to conduct an operation?…