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Using remote hardware platforms for embedded systems development

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Development of embedded and system software, which is operating on new hardware platforms, begins at the stage when there is a number of such hardware platforms known as prototypes which are fragile and expensive. When the development team is located far away, shipping of the hardware (or relocation of developers) is impractical due to price and time issues. The only reasonable solution under these circumstances is arranging a remote access to hardware. While the idea of firmware development for the platform that you can’t hold or even see, seems to be counterintuitive at first, eventually it can be considered as feasible and even convenient.

In the presentation the following topics are discussed based on the experience gained in the number of completed projects:

  • Advantages of remote development platforms use.
  • Methods of remote development access.
  • Technical issues arising from embedded and system software development with use of remotely accessible platforms. Approaches.

Oleg Repin

Oleg RepinOleg Repin

Project Manager, Auriga

Oleg Repin was born on April 2, 1976 in Moscow. He graduated from the faculty of computation mathematics and cybernetics of Moscow State University. Oleg has 17 years of experience in design of real-time operating systems and embedded software development. During the past several years Oleg has been working as the manager of the embedded software, computer security, mission critical, and other system programming projects. Oleg has dozens of successfully completed projects.



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