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Practical experience of development of cross-platform business applications for mobile devices

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Cross-platform development – a leading trend in the development area of mobile applications caused by growth of popularity of different types of mobile devices and operating systems. What technologies should be chosen in the development of cross-platform mobile enterprise software?

  1. Classification of the different ways to develop cross-platform mobile software.
  2. “Native” development of cross-platform enterprise mobile software – pros and cons.
  3. When preferred native development, and in which with using MEAP?
  4. Classification platforms MEAP. Features and capabilities.
    1. Approaches to building user interfaces.
    2. Approaches to storing and processing data.
    3. Integrated development environment (different IDEs).
    4. Integration with enterprise information systems.
  5. Criteria for choosing MEAP.

Grigory Izmailov

Grigory IzmailovGrigory Izmailov

General Manager, Agent Plus LLC (OOO Agent Pljus)

He graduated from Astrakhan State Pedagogical University majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1996.
In 2004 founded and led Agent Plus Company, where currently serves as the General Manager of the company – one of the leaders of Russia in the development of corporate mobile applications.


Alexander Morozov

Alexander MorozovAlexander Morozov

Chief Technology Officer, Agent Plus LLC (OOO Agent Pljus)

In 2003 he graduated from Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU) majoring in Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management in 2003.

Since 2008 he has been working as an Associate Professor in Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management Department, Astrakhan State Technical University.

Alexander has been working for Agent Plus since 2011 as Chief Technology Officer.


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