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Power Battle: Windows 7 vs. Windows 8 (Running compute-intensive tasks)

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In this talk, we introduce new features of our software profiling tool that allow for application-centric power efficiency analysis and thus enable us to compare the behavior of the same program under Microsoft® Windows™ 7 and Windows™ 8 operating systems and find out which portions of the program were affected most by the OS task scheduler, which ones need to be optimized to cooperate with OS power-saving mechanisms, and which power-saving approaches are more efficient.

Stanislav Bratanov

Stanislav BratanovStanislav Bratanov

Stanislav designs and develops hardware-assisted software performance monitoring systems for parallel computers, also conducts research in the area of operating systems and parallel programming environments, experienced in development and optimization of parallel video and audio coding systems; he is also author of patents and articles on computer and law science.



  • злой user says:

    Энергетическая схватка: Windows 7 против Windows 8 (На примере вычислительных задач)
    Ну и где оно???

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