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Optimizing the protection of inventions in software products

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Presentation describes problems of the invention protection in the IT companies. Presentation is prepared in the form of practical experience and oriented mainly on product and project managers.

First part of the presentation describes current situation of the invention protection in the IT companies. In this part I will tell about why companies don’t protect their invention in Russia and especially in abroad, what is the process of inellectual property protection, advantages and disadvantages of this process. Additionally, I will describe problems of the software developer’s motivation.

Second part of the presentation describe my way to solve problems, related to software inventions protection. I will prepare:

  • a list of changes, that companies need to implement for optimization of the invention protection processes;
  • expected result of the process implementation;
  • advanages and disadvantages of this approach.

Dmitry Platonov

Dmitry PlatonovDmitry Platonov

Head of IT department, Intellectual Property Center “Skolkovo”

Dmitry Platonov specializes on the IT products protection – software and hardware, in Russia and abroad. More than 6 years of work experience in the field of intellectual property protection. Worked on intellectual property protection optimization at Acronis – lead software developer in the field of backup and restore. Successfully finished courses “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, taughted by professor from Stanford University. Successfully finished cources “Patent Portfolio Management with IPScore” from European Patent Office.

Author of the 2 books: How to Reduce The Cost of Patent Attorney Services (, Ключевые сведения об интеллектуальной собственности в компании (RU).

Project Manager of the IDlect Patent project (



  • SoftPatent says:

    Доклад по этому вопросу – был на CEE-SECR’2011, и занял там к слову в рейтинге докладов второе место.

  • Softpatent,

    В 2011 году, доклад был на тему “Патентование software-разработок / Российская практика”. Мой доклад является логическим продолжением доклада 2011 года и ориентирован главным образом на выработку стратегии защиты объектов ИС, как оптимизировать процесс защиты технологий в компании и добиться максимальной защиты продукта.

  • SoftPatent says:

    ОК если так.
    (чем чаще российские IT-люди будут слышать про soft-патенты, тем лучше (в первую очередь им))

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