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Evolution of Process & Product Metrics Based On Information Needs

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Measurement & analysis is one of the key areas for successful organizations. Process & product metrics are the main units for an effective measurement & analysis process. This study describes about the evolution of STM’s process & product metrics based on information needs. Decisions leading to ineffective organizational measurement system, lessons learned gathered, and responses of the stakeholders will be shared.

Cenkler Yakin

Cenkler YakinCenkler Yakin

Cenkler Yakin has M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Industrial Engineering in Turkey. He has worked as Business Process Group Leader for five years. At the same time, he works as Quality Engineer of defence projects. He is currently working for STM, and coaching them in process improvement. He has expertise on process improvement and quality assurance approaches. He spends his time for achieving Level-5 structure by using his past experiences from a CMMI Level-5 company. He speaks at international conferences like European SEPG, North America SEPG and ICSPI (International Conference on Software Process Improvement).

He defined organizational process improvement structure, and put responsibilities of the sources for organizational process improvement. He also took active role as the leader of the team to achieve CMMI Level-3.


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