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Yury Yudin

Yury YudinYury Yudin

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Computer Security Business Development Manager in Russia. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University. Yury started his work at Intel back in 2004, as Software Engineering Manager. Since 2011 Yury promotes security technologies and Intel Atom through the Russia software ecosystem.


Presentation: Identity Protection Technology

Hackers never stop devising new ways to steal usernames, passwords or even your mobile devices, including laptops. If you are a consumer or an everyday computer user, Intel Security Technologies provide strong techniques for avoiding the threat of identity and hardware theft.

Identity Protection Technology provides a hardware root of trust, proof of a unique PC, to websites, financial institutions, and network services that it is NOT malware logging into an account. While a username and password shared with other sites may be compromised by a data breach at another site, the shared secret between the PC and each site is unique and is used to generate a one time password providing an additional factor at each login that is valid for only 30 seconds making it difficult for malware to steal and reuse. Anti-Theft technology helps keep your laptop safe and secure in the event that it’s ever lost or stolen. Combined together they bring a new level of security and trust to your mobile device.



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