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Stas Pavlov

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Stas PavlovStas Pavlov

Technical Evangelist, Microsoft

Technical Evangelist, Ph.D. in nuclear physics and mathematical methods in sciences. More than 12 years in information technology field. Started as a database developer, and then engaged client technology and web development. Microsoft Most Valuable Professional more than 5 years. The last few years has been actively working with embedded and mobile solutions. He is an author of several books on Microsoft embedded operating systems, co-author of the book “Developing for Windows Phone 7.5», and a regular BootCamp and Hackaton for Windows Phone and Windows 8 presenter, host “Evening School Windows Phone». He was responsible for the content of the conference DevCon’12, Windows Camp , labs and architectural track at TechEd Russia in 2011, oversees an Application Excellence Labs in Russia, as well as some support programs for developers.


Presentation: Windows 8 and new development and applications sales ecosystem

Windows 8 brings to developers additional technological capabilities to develop, deliver and sell end-user applications. On the one hand, the ability to develop HTML / JS quickly moves Web 2.0 project in Windows 8, on the other side of technology like XAML / C# allows developers from classic Microsoft stack to develop Windows Store application. In this case, C++ with DirectX opens a new era for games that run on all types of devices: the easy migration, power of C++ and features of DirectX. The Windows Store provides a single platform for the delivery and sale of applications erasing barriers between developers and end users, wherever and how far they are from each other. Moreover, cloud services, such as Roaming Storage, SkyDrive, Hotmail, Windows Azure Mobile Services can seamlessly extend the functionality of Windows 8 applications simplify a development process and usefulness of applications to a new level.


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