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Dmitry Trub

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Dmitry TrubDmitry Trub

Dmitry Trub is the Head of the Connectivity department in Russia, which is about how Deutsche Bank connects to the outside world.

Dmitry joined the Bank in 2011. Prior to Deutsche Bank Dmitry worked in several IT companies and has 15 years of experience in information technology.

Dmitry holds an MA degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from St. Petersburg State Technical University.


Presentation: Competing for microseconds

The strength of technology presents in everything we achieve as an investment bank. This presentation will look specifically at technology and its usage as well as technological challenges implicit in growth.

So we will talk about how we respond and cover:

  • what IT looks like in IB, what challenges we solve
  • why speed of IT systems is now a cornerstone to success,
  • why we measure latency in microseconds,
  • what role IT stability plays for business,
  • how a growth of volumes of electronic trading change requirements to IT systems.

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