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Benjamin B. Bederson

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Benjamin B. BedersonBenjamin B. Bederson

Benjamin B. Bederson is a Professor of Computer Science and a past director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and iSchool at the University of Maryland.

An ACM Distinguished Scientist, his research is on human computation, mobile device interfaces, interaction strategies, digital libraries, and online education. He is also Co-founder and Chief Scientist of Zumobi, a premium mobile app network.


Learning to code in an online world

While technology and education is as old as technology itself, recent trends in online education offer new opportunities for teaching new students and refreshing the skills of existing software engineers.

In this talk, I will examine a range of commercial and research efforts including the recent Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) of and – showing their strengths and weaknesses and pointing to where this is leading.


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