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Alexander K. Petrenko



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Prof. Dr. Alexander K. PetrenkoProf. Dr. Alexander K. Petrenko

Alexander K. Petrenko, Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Head of the Software Engineering Department ISPRAS, Professor of System Programming chair of CMC MSU.

He is a member of the editorial board of Programming, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Technical Committee for Standardization TK22 JTC 1 ISO / JEC «Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces», organizer of the International Seminar on model based testing (Model Based Testing – MBT-Workshop), of the annual conference of young Scientists on Software Engineering (Spring Young Researchers Colloquium on Software Engineering, SYRCoSE), of the Moscow City Seminar on Software Design and Analysis. Member of Program Committees of international conferences ISOLA, OpenCert, PSI, SEFM, TOOLS. Reviewer of the Journal of Systems and Software.

He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics MIEM (1974). Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (1983) thesis A tool for interactive software development Doctor of Physical and Mathematics (2003), thesis Formal specifications based testing in the process of software systems development.

From 1974 to 2002 worked at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, one of the developers of DIMON, participated in software development for several soviet space programs, from 1994 worked at the Institute for System Programming RAS.
His research areas are: formal methods for specification and verification of software and microprocessors, software engineering, software analysis and quality assurance. He is the Chief Scientific Advisor of ISPRAS Linux Verification Center.

Taught a course Formal specification and verification of programs, is a special seminar on The correctness of programs in CSC MSU. Petrenko has co-authored several patents, has published over 80 scientific papers.

Presentation: Two Old Ideas in New Packaging or Old Methods for New Challenges

Top-down programming in avionics and focused description of distributed actions to ensure safety rules


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