CNews is the largest daily online source launched in 2000. CNews focuses on the latest IT news, analytical articles, market reviews, internet surveys. The printed version has been published since 2004. Up to 100 pieces of news are posted on the site daily, providing authoritative insight and opinion on the Russian and Foreign markets of computer equipment, software, automation and informatization, e-commerce and telecommunications, entertainment industry. The average monthly attendance is over 1,5 mln.
The Analytical Banking Magazine is a respectable monthly magazine published since 1995. Over the last several years the magazine has been recognized as the most professional and popular edition in Russian banking industry. The magazine’s subscribers include heads of banks, insurance, financial and investment companies, government, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities from Russia, the CIS, the Baltic states and foreign countries.
Startup Afisha
East-West Digital News
UML2.ru Project
12NEWS is a Russian informational agency providing news and analysis about automation management systems for today’s enterprise. Objectiveness is the main mission of 12NEWS and the most complicated as well. 12NEWS holds in respect all IT companies irrespective of their publicity.
SearchEngines.ru is the first Russian web resource about search engines and internet-marketing. Search engines news, analytics, original and translated materials about websites promotion, experts commentaries, digest. Events that are worth visiting collected in convenient calendar, conference reviews and detailed descriptions of key lectures. The biggest forum about working with search engines, where you can find answer for any of your questions.
MeraLabs is a privately owned russian R&D company, founded in 2008. The company develops high-tech venture projects, which belong to the areas of data search and storage technologies, network architectures and telecommunications technologies. The projects developed by the company are currently at the development phases varying from “seed” to “early-stage”.
Belorussian community of business and system analytics
Global CIO — official CIO community in Russia & CIS
Quick facts:
- URL: www.globalcio.ru
- Stakeholders: Russian CIO Union and project team
- Format: professional CIO community with quality content, tools & knowledge base
- Active members as of April 2012: 2300+
- Membership growth dynamics: 70-90 CIOs per month
- Focused communications: biweekly e-digest and special e-mail blasts (5000+ subscribers)
- IT budgets controlled by members: over $4B
Scientific Research Publishing is an academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. SCIRP currently has more than 200 open access journals in the areas of science, technology and medicine.
IT Academy is a leading provider of products for professional education based on information and communication technologies with a network of 25 regional offices throughout Russia and the CIS.
We offers authorized courses of major worldwide vendors: Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, IBM and others; full range of e-learning products; education in “Information Security”, “IT-Management”, “Software Engineering”; e-MBI, CIO, CSO for top management staff.
Our clients are such organizations, as Bank of Russia, Federal tax service of the RF, The State Duma of the RF, LUKOIL, TNK-BP, TATNEFT, MTS, VimpelCom.
Seminar4u.ru — education calendar of conferences, round tables, seminars and trainings, open for adding events after registration. We are focused on events in information technology field.
Cloudzone.ru is among the first websites to provide current and complete information about cloud computing in the Russian IT market. Cloudzone.ru delivers news, reviews of the technology offered and practice of its development. Cloudzone was established in April 2010. For more information, please visit the company website.
The federal media resource www.comprice.ru is the mass media devoted to the market of IT. www.comprice.ru offers a content interesting, both for beginners, and for professionals of the computer market.
Open Innovations Association FRUCT
SoftWeek.ru is the portal which can simply provide you with the all interesting information about software market. The news line will allow you to stay informed of new products on the software market, dates of releases of new products of developers and plans of producers.
Our main goal to create the most convenient portal with detailed information and the pleasant interface. Comparative analyses and the reviews of computer programs which are in details describing advantages and shortcomings of these or those programs will be interesting to experienced users. For novice users we provided the IT terminology dictionary that will allow to understand subtleties of this sphere. And interview of the key persons of IT sphere will be interesting to everyone, because that is where you will find revelations, recognitions and, probably, even hints on future sensations which will excite the IT market.
CMS Magazine
Softline Company founded in 1993 is the leading supplier of a wide spectrum of software on the market of Russia and the CIS countries. Today Softline is an authorized partner of more than 300 well-known domestic and world-wide developers (Microsoft, Symantec&VERITAS, Citrix, IBM, McAfee, Novell, Oracle, VMWare, Corel, Adobe etc.).
rocID stands for “Common Runet Users’ Network”. Once registered its users can easily access numerous future professional events on the Runet (Russian Internet).
The magazine Internet v Tsyfrakh is the first periodical covering numbers, facts and analysis of the Internet industry. The magazine includes analytical materials as well as a number of opinion articles by well-known Internet journalists.
PC WEEK/Russian Edition is a weekly IT newspaper. The newspaper covers leading technologies, news of the world and Russian computer markets of interest to corporate user. It is distributed free of charge to companies with more than 10 PCs.
PC MAGAZINE/Russian Edition ( + СD ) is the leading monthly computer magazine. The magazine covers the latest world and Russian technological developments and products of interest to a wide spectrum of users. The magazine comes out 12 times a year with a circulation of 40,000 copies.
Bestsellers of IT market analyzes market status, general competitive situation, trends and key events in the main hardware segments: computers and components, peripherals, consumables, UPS, presentation equipment, telecommunications, digital cameras and other…
Frequency: Four times a year A4 magazine
Circulation: 20,000
Distribution: Free of charge delivery (90%): vendors, distributors, resellers (45%), it-managers of non-computer companies (45%). Editorial subscription, retail, marketing fund – 10%.
IKS-magazine is the business magazine for Telecom, Media&IT in Russia and CIS, an efficient source of information for the managers and industry specialists. All about Telecom, Media & IT business in Russia: Industry news, analytics, market reviews and forecasts, technologies and services.
The magazine covers all directions for telecommunications development (wireline and wireless, television and radio broadcasting, satellite communication, NGN, etc.), media (digital content), information technologies. Founded in 1992. Circulation: 15.000 Monthly.
Positive Technologies is at the cutting edge of IT Security. A specialist developer of IT Security products, Positive Technologies has over a decade of experience in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in IT systems. Positive Technologies has more than 300 employees at its offices and research centres in London and Moscow. Its technology partners include IBM, Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft and HP.
Positive Technologies’ innovation division, Positive Research, is one of the largest security research facilities in Europe. Our experts work alongside industry bodies, regulators and universities to advance knowledge in the field of information security and to apply this analysis to improving the company’s products and services. The centre carries out research, design and analytical works, threat and vulnerability analysis and error elimination.
Since 2004, Positive Research has helped global manufacturers including Microsoft, Cisco, Google, Avaya, Citrix, VMware and Trend Micro to eliminate hundreds of vulnerabilities and defects that threatened the safety of their systems.
The magazine PROgrammer is a unique international non-profit monthly publication about programming and Electronics at the intersection of programming. The magazine was founded in 2010 to promote the experience, as well as to help the novice programmer developer. We publish the author’s interesting original material from their own experience and development as new programmers, and programmers professionals.
3DNews Daily Digital Digest — Russia’s first independent online edition to deal with information technologies. The purpose of the project is to provide media coverage of the IT market through publishing prompt and maximally impartial information; to make the audience aware of hardware and software novelties as well as to assist Russia’s computer users in making the right choice, purchasing and using the hardware and software in the most efficient way.
The magazine «IT Manager» is a reliable assistant director for key decision making in business administration. It is a desk magazine for company executives in IT business. Every issue contains relevant information about events, effective projects, interviews with chief executives, analytics of the market and the ways of its development, opinions of its players.
Periodicity — monthly, circulation — 12700, printing type — full color.
The magazine «IT Expert» is intended for IT professionals. The edition is oriented for specialists engaged in industry, service, in IT-decision and IT-service sales field. It covers the latest technological developments, testing of new products, and summing-up of the market situation in different segments of IT industry both in Russia and abroad.
Periodicity — monthly, circulation — 15000, printing type — full color.
The newspaper «IT News» is about events that happen in IT world. The edition is intended for business customers, management and supervision, IT managers and high readership of different age and education. One of its trends is directed to the new technologies’ popularization and to the timely information about theirs appearance.
Periodicity — bi-monthly, circulation — 15000, printing type — full color.
The main aim of our project — Dnevnik.ru — is to make the educational process itself more effective by using the most progressive educational technologies. Our e-learning platform was founded in 2009, and during the last three years we have already gained about 4 million users in Russia and about 1 million in Ukraine. Our platform has also been deployed in Hungary, Israel and Poland. At the moment, we are localizing our platform for the US market.
Our platform provides three main services:
- A learning management system that supports the e-learning process, including distance learning and delivery of electronic content;
- A school management system that helps the school administration manage data, including student grades and activities, attendance records and data regarding teachers;
- A social network that supports personal profiles, forums, messages, and the ability to upload and share media-files. It also allows parents to become full participants in the educational process of their children.
These three functions make possible an educational process that is far more effective than traditional school interactions alone. Also—and this is one of our top priorities—our system is totally secure and fully moderated, which helps to be sure that the system is not used to share harmful content.
We are working with the Russian Ministry of Education and often provide University entry exams in a distance format (online). We’ve secured collaborations and support from a great number of international corporations, such as Microsoft, Samsung, IBS, Toshiba, Panasonic, Lego and others, in order to make our services more accessible and effective.
Since 2009, our platform has been recognized with such prestigious awards as: the Saint Petersburg best innovation project in the educational sphere (2009), the ‘Fortune from Microsoft’ award (2010), the RUnet Award “Best teacher’s project” (2010), and the “Best e-leaning project” at the World Summit Awards (2011). In 2012 we were reviewed in Informio newspaper as one of the “25 hottest startups in Russia”.
Open Systems — the oldest Russian magazine devoted to complex information systems. Up-to-date computer platforms, operation systems, DBMS, integration of applications and data, IT management. Software engineering. Problems of IT education.
Open Systems magazine has been officially included in the list of scientific magazines, recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation for publishing the results of researched performed by aspirants for a degree of Candidate or Doctor of Science.
Ingria Business Incubator — is a place for startup’s fast growth. The Incubator provides a complex support for residents in attracting investments, team building, in searching for strategic partners and clients, entering the international markets and business scaling.
The federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Design Institute of Postal Communication” was founded in 1960. Research and Design Institute of Postal Communication is the leading provider of software and developer of design solutions for postal enterprises in Russia.
The Institute has successfully developed a number of software solutions for automation of different postal activities.
Main activities:
- Software engineering and introduction for postal enterprises
- Scientific research of postal technologies development
- Design of specialized equipment and systems
IT Terra Voronezh
NetCat is local company interested in Russian and CIS markets. Here are some facts about us:
- we produce NetCat commercial content management system since 1999
- we are the second biggest CMS vendor in Russia with 15% market share
- we have more than 1700 dealers and more than 17 000 installations
Business Incubator «Top-ideas» – on-line platform that unites inventors, investors, entrepreneurs and innovators, professionals and experts. We will help “grow” your idea, not only through investment, but also by combining the necessary resources for its implementation and competencies.
«BIS Journal − Information security of banks» is a specialized branch periodical publication on banking and other financial organizations’ information security issues.
It contains the full, operative and authentic information on all the actual aspects of information security of banks, the toolkit of information attacks and protection measures, innovations in the field of legislation, regulations and standards, current requirements of regulators, the dynamics of information security market development and other urgent issues.
CRM Experts – internet-journal about crm / marketing / smm / sales / cloud computing etc.
CRMExperts.ru – the right information at the right time. You want to know how you can increase your business & optimize your resourses?!
Well, please, join crmexperts.ru
Business incubator “Navigator vozmozhnostej” at HSE-Perm is the first business incubator in Perm. Today it is one of the most authoritative IT communities in the region. For a couple of years our employees and invited experts are successfully helping projects and teams to realize their ideas into prototypes or in real business. Besides, “Navigator vozmozhnostej” is а partner and a сo-organizator of several large IT conferences and forums, also it carries out periodical educational programs on technological business for everyone.
Garant Company is one of the leading information companies of Russia. It is a developer of a computer legal system GARANT and a complex of information and legal support.
At present, Garant information and legal support helps solve their tasks to hundreds of thousands specialists all over the country. Access to open information legal resources supported by the company is provided to millions of citizens. The company implements innovation solutions applying latest computer technologies, Internet, mobile devices, interactive format of representation of data, satellite technologies. It permits anybody needing legal information to find it quickly and accurately being situated in any part of the country.
RACE is the first in the CIS affiliate marketing exhibition – «Russian Affiliate Congress & Expo».
Dates for RACE 2012: November 8–9, 2012 RACE 2012 Venue: Russia, СROCUS EXPO, Pavilion 2, hall 6
The idea of Russian Affiliate Congress and Expo originated in response to the need to develop business in Russia and other CIS countries in line with global trends.
Affiliate programs are one of the most effective and widely used internet marketing tools in the developed countries accounting for about 40%, whereas this segment in Russia and other CIS countries accounts only for 10% of the marketing activities. The difference is obvious.
“Detali Mira” is a monthly popular science magazine that features regular sections on all the main fields of science and human activities – such as astrophysics, cosmology, physics, chemistry and biochemistry, medicine, genetics, history, paleontology, geophysics, IT, auto industry, robotechnics etc.
“Detali Mira” is a magnet for the curious and active. DM provides its readers with the straight from the source information about the newest and the most outstanding discoveries and inventions all over the world – about everything that can change our life tomorrow or even today. And all this is made in the most illustrative and easily-accessible form.
“Detali Mira” is concentrated on the tramline of the scientific thought, screening out all the info glut and making the reading really informative and exiting.
Circulation: 120 thousand people all over the world.
PLUS Journal is the most competent specialized multiregional periodical in the Eurasian market (Russia, CIS & others) since 1994
The circulation of the journal is 4 000 copies. Number of readers per single copy (on average) – 4,3 pers. Average readership per Issue -17,200 pers.
The publication is distributed via subscription (by the Editorial Board and agencies) and at the events with participation of the journal in the Eurasian market. 12 issues a year
Target audience – mid-level and top managers directly involved in organizing and conducting business, making long-term strategic decisions related to the implementation of projects and technological solutions for business and government agencies.
Specialized periodical about retail & innovations
Mass service for population both in the real and virtual world.
Retail&Loyalty: business, technologies, projects
Retail&Loyalty Journal covers the best world and domestic practices, new innovative ideas in the field of retail business and self-services in the context of new development trends in the businesses associated with traditional and virtual retail services, loyalty and cobranding programs, etc.
Average readership per Issue – 17,200 persons.The Journal print run is 4000 copies. The number of readers per single copy is 4,3 persons (on average). The publication is distributed by subscription (through the Editorial Office and agencies) and at industry events attendee and supported by the Journal on the territory of the Russian Federation, FSU and far-abroad countries.
Frequency: 6 issues per year.
Linux Format