CEE-SECR 2012 results
703 participants from 271 organizations
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Best presentations - the online voting results
Main program

Russian software companies and the global IT market trends
Moderator: Valentin Makarov
Leading exporters’ view on global market’s technology trends during the crisis. How well the Russian companies are prepared for the time’s challenges in technology?…

Mikhail Chtchelkonogov
Mr. Chtchelkonogov has over 15 years of experience in software project management, ERP software design and implementation. Before joining Acumatica Mr. Chtchelkonogov was Director of Engineering for Parallels, the leading provider of desktop virtualization, OS containers, and control panel software…

Optimization tools for software source code
Moderator: Dr. Alexander Lipanov
Issues related to the use of software tools for analysis, improvement, optimization, and refactoring of software source code will be main topics of the discussion. Theoretical basis of source code analysis, approaches to the formation of recommendations for improving and optimizing source code, interpretation and further application of recommendations how to improve source code will be presented…

Anna Vorobyeva
Legacy code through the eyes of a legacy developer
The project is filling with legacy code insensibly. Only five years ago it was nice clean code, but now there is nobody who could understand it completely or predict what would involve its changing. Just as thermodynamic entropy is always increasing in the universe, so too code entropy is on the rise…

Valery Cherepennikov
Valery Cherepennikov joined Intel in 2000. Held various positions in SW development and management. Now leads CRT engineering teams, focused on SW adoption for IA to ensure design wins in the areas ranging from smartphones to high-end HPC systems…

Yury Yudin
Computer Security Business Development Manager in Russia. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University. Yury started his work at Intel back in 2004, as Software Engineering Manager…

Alexander K. Petrenko
Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Head of the Software Engineering Department ISPRAS, Professor of System Programming chair of CMC MSU. He is a member of the editorial board of Programming, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Technical Committee for Standardization TK22 JTC 1 ISO / JEC «Programming languages…

Miloslav Sredkov
Jsonya/dm: A Univocal JSON Interpretation
Despite its popularity as a data interchange format, JSON still lacks a commonly accepted data model and is defined only syntactically. Because of its simplicity, it may appear that the textual representation already conveys all the needed meaning; however, in the context of global Internet-centric applications, where many different technologies interact, the lack of defined semantics can lead to serious interoperability issues…
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