For proving the significance of psychology-related factors in software engineers’ professional activities there was conducted survey (N=145, Russian IT-persons). Based on this survey the set of crucial for competencies software engineers has been developed: professionalism, systemic thinking, hardworking, communication skills, and teamwork skills. In addition it will be necessary to work out such topics as communication competence, team work interaction (especially, dispersed and virtual teams), leadership, human-computer interaction, usability, cognitive abilities, professional and business ethics on the early stages of professional career.
Presentation covers the reasons of psychological education for software engineers at university level, which have been discovered at survey; and the program of psychology-related courses on bachelor and master level. Participants of the session will have the possibility to discuss issues of such kind of approach and give their put-in for this program development.
Elena Mandrikova
Elena Mandrikova – PhD in Psychology, executive coach, employee of National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (NRU HSE) as deputy dean for work with prospective students, graduates, and partners; as senior lecturer at organizational psychology department; and as senior research fellow at positive psychology and life quality research team. Formerly has 5-year experience as senior consultant at Leadership & Talent Consulting department of RosExpert (Alliance partner of Korn/Ferry International), providing services in executive assessment and executive coaching for executives individually and in teams. Now the main interest focuses on developing integrated program for psychological education and development of software engineering students at bachelor and master degree (on the base of Software Engineering School at NRU HSE).
“компетенции, важные для программного инженера: профессионализм, умение системно мыслить, трудолюбие, коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде.” – чем они отличаются от компетенций, важных для других профессий?
Вечер добрый, уважаемый коллега! Отчасти соглашусь с Вашим замечанием – перечисленные компетенции, выявленные в ходе опроса (обозначенные IT-персонами как важные компетенции для программных инженеров), во многом характеризуют любую профессию, связанную с управлением, подчеркивая тем самым отличие условной модели компетенций программного инженера и программиста (полагаю, для программиста коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде не столь критичны, как для программного инженера и, возможно, системного архитектора). Это лишь подчеркивает актуальность и универсальность таких “soft” навыков, которые нужны как менеджеру проектов, как HR персоне, так и руководителю проектов по разработке программного обеспечения.